On board subs: exciting explorer yacht charters
Published 25 juillet 2023
High-tech, fully class-approved submersibles offer completely safe journeys into, and incredible views of, the marine world. Make every dive a voyage of discovery and charter a yacht with submarines on board.
As expedition travel takes on a life of its own, intrepid travellers who sail the high seas want to venture beneath the waves, too. If you think icebergs are fascinating from a superyacht, seeing them from a submarine gives a whole new perspective. Superyachts with subs offer close encounters with sea creatures, front row seats on sunken wrecks, and an almost limitless array of adventure in a spacious, air-conditioned and exceptionally comfortable setting with incredible viewing.
What is the difference between a yacht with a submarine and a yacht with a submersible?
The two biggest differences between a submarine and submersible are autonomy and viewing potential. Whereas submarines are capable of independent operation, including the renewal of air and power, submersibles require the support of a mothership to launch, recover and maintain. But the bonus of a submersible is a far smaller footprint, which means even compact yachts can accommodate one, and almost all submersibles that superyachts operate have acrylic hulls, which have a similar refractive index to seawater, which effectively disappears once guests are immersed.

Why charter a yacht with a submarine onboard?
With 95 percent of the sea floor unexplored, pretty much every submersible dive is a voyage of discovery. For guests who can’t or don’t scuba dive, a luxury yacht with a sub opens a whole new world of adventure without any limitations. It’s suitable for all ages and all abilities without any prior preparation needed. Stepping from aft deck to underwater in three swift steps is the ultimate post-lunch afternoon voyage.

Where are some of the best places to explore?
For those who have caught the sub bug, the world is their oyster. Diving in a submarine is the most effective way to increase appreciation of the oceans. When in areas where marine life is vibrant, dive sites are plentiful and visibility is incredible, pearls of pleasure are there for the taking. From Costa Rica to Saudi Arabia, and the Galapagos to Raja Ampat, the unique geology and clear waters provide your own private aquarium.

A submersible dive to 300m under the Antarctic ice fields is life affirming. The wildlife of Antarctica’s seas goes far beyond the legendary penguins and seals, from microscopic phytoplankton, which sinks to the seabed to support communities of benthic animals like sponges and sea cucumbers, to the ocean’s crowning glory, a blue whale, the largest and one of the longest living species on Earth growing up to 30m in length.

Enjoy shipwreck dives with large schools of fish flying over the wreck, encounter the odd shark, and follow a 20m whale shark as it glides beneath the waves. The possibilities for diving with a sub in Australia are endless. And it's not just about the big stuff, smaller organisms, such as iridescent squid, also fascinate, while the Great Barrier Reef’s vibrant coral formations make for epic viewing.

What can I expect to see when I start to explore?
Subs are typically used for recreation, but often once you’ve made a connection with the underwater world, the desire to go deeper, further and understand more follows. As dappled sunlight begins to disappear the deeper the sub sinks, coral formations and a multitude of fish, eels, turtles and crustaceans will join you. As giant pelagics glide passed, and the sub sinks deeper, some of the brightest iridescent species can be found, from squids and phytoplankton to ethereal floating jellyfish. Every journey brings something new, whether 100m from the surface or 1,000m deep.

What are the different types of submersibles
Submersibles have come a long way in the past decade. Smaller, lighter, with the capability to dive deeper and travel faster, today’s range of subs makes any yacht and any scenario ideal for exploration. Though varying between number of passengers, manoeuvrability, pilot controls and custom design, the one mainstay is that they all deliver an incredible experience to explore beyond the surface.

SEAmagine’s Aurora-6S is a six-person sub that dives to a depth of 1,000m, meaning the whole family can explore what lies beneath together. Explore a whole new world in the comfort of air conditioning and lounge chairs.

Dutch submersible manufacturer U-Boat Worx combines speed with comfort with the HiPer Sub 2. The four-person sub dives to 100m, and travels up to six knots, making it one of the sportiest options on the market. Operated by a nifty joystick, it can perform rolls, loops and steep turns with ease.

With sub expert Triton at the helm, and designed in collaboration with Aston Martin, you know you’ve pretty much won in the style stakes with Project Neptune. This three-person sub – two guests, one pilot – can dive to a depth of 500m and look super cool while doing so.

For those who like the idea of a submersible, but can’t afford to donate too much storage, U-Boat Worx’s Nemo 2 is the smallest two-person sub on the market, occupying the same footprint as a jet ski. Diving to 100m, guests can even try their hand at piloting when under supervision.

Talk to the Burgess team today to discover more about yachts available to charter with on board submarines or submersibles. Enquire now
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- Yachts, prices and availability are correct at the time of publication.