Nathan Durley-Boot
Mécanicien de marine
  • Langues anglais
  • Bureau
Nathan studied at the University of Manchester Institute of Science and Technology (UMIST) for a MEng in mechanical engineering. He then joined Lloyd’s Register in 2008 through their accredited graduate training scheme as a trainee class surveyor. As part of his training he spent time on secondment with BAE’s submarine division, sailed on a product tanker with Maersk and filled a roll of class surveyor in Finland surveying new build SRtP passenger ships. After gaining a strong grounding in both class and statutory requirements Nathan joined Lloyd’s Register’s Technical Investigations Department (TID) in 2010 as a consultant engineer. Work included noise and vibration investigations, acoustic emission testing and FE analysis of various ship types throughout Europe and Asia. Nathan later specialised in shaft alignment and has extensive experience of stern tube bearing failure investigations, design calculations and shaft alignment during new construction. Nathan joined Burgess in early 2013 and is experienced in all aspects of Burgess New Construction services from pre-contract negotiations through to sea trials and final delivery.
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