Seonaid Thomas
Associé - Courtière en location
  • Langues anglais, français, russe
  • Bureau

Seonaid Thomas has enjoyed over a decade as a charter broker in the superyacht industry with Burgess. She grew up between Monaco and St Andrews, on the east coast of Scotland, before graduating from Oxford University with an MA Honours degree in Russian Literature & Medieval French. She then settled in London and began working as an Executive Search Consultant, specialising in the media & technology sectors. This experience, spanning five years, was particularly valuable for developing strong negotiation skills. In need of a new challenge, Seonaid returned to Monaco, taking on the role of Project Manager in charge of organising corporate conferences and incentives. She gained excellent experience in logistics and event management, before hearing about an opportunity to work for Burgess in 2005. She was delighted to accept a position initially as charter assistant, before being promoted to a fully-fledged broker after two years and gaining her qualifications and membership of MYBA (the world-wide yacht broker’s association). Seonaid is married and the proud mother of 2 children.

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