Jane Angus
Gestionnaire de yachts à la location
  • Langues anglais, français, italien
  • Bureau
Based in Monaco, Jane has been with Burgess since 2004. She joined the Charter Management department in 2007 following two years in the Brokerage department. She has lived and worked in several parts of Europe - France, Italy, as well as in Beirut, Lebanon. Jane knows the cruising grounds in the Mediterranean like the back of her hand and has a local knowledge which is invaluable, as well as an understanding of cultural differences which come in to play in a company managing the expectations of international clients.
Her career began in contract negotiation and brochure writing on European cities for a luxury travel company, invaluable experience which transferred well to the yachting industry. She holds a BA in foreign literature from King's College, London and speaks fluent English, French and Italian, and some German.
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